Online courses

Online learning for teachers offers a great way to work at your own pace in your own time.



Complete a course
on your own


Complete a course
with a partner


Complete courses as
a faculty or school

All courses are designed to be self-paced so you can complete them at a time that is convenient for you.
Courses are managed through Teacher Training Australia, including all NESA accreditation.
People can enrol as individuals or through school subscriptions.

Find out more HERE 

Course Titles

Teacher Wellbeing Toolkit

1. Teacher Wellbeing Toolkit

You are probably here because you love teaching but are tired, exhausted and recognise that the demands in teaching are changing. You are hoping to find a better way to manage the ups and downs and be the best you can be for your students……. Or, perhaps you are thriving but you see colleagues languishing.

Either way, this course will give you some simple strategies to better support your wellbeing and that of your colleagues.

This course is for any teacher who works in a school, whether that be primary, secondary or tertiary. Whether you are a beginning teacher or an experienced leader in a school, the strategies here are applicable to all.


  • The importance of teacher wellbeing
  • Acknowledge stressors & challenges
  • Unpack the science of wellbeing with Positive Psychology
  • Explore the science of emotions and our responses
  • The role of mindfulness in the busy school day
  • The need to track the good stuff
  • Identifying strengths and how to use them at work
  • Develop your personal wellbeing plan

“Great course! I have picked up many good things through doing this course and the content and presentation was excellent! The gratitude stuff was my favourite part 😊”

Mentoring Made Easy

2. Mentoring Made Easy

You are probably here because you want to be a mentor or you are already a mentor and you want to develop further skills. This may be because you are a supervising teacher of a pre-service teacher, you are a mentor for a beginning teacher, or you are an executive member mentoring colleagues towards agreed-upon goals.

This course will begin by defining mentoring, the role of a mentor and common challenges. We then look at the changing nature of mentoring that includes the growth of coaching in education. This will include giving you some basic coaching skills, as well as coaching frameworks you can use to build your mentoring program. Please know that when it comes to mentoring, there are many models we can follow. 


  1. The changing nature of mentoring
  2. Creating a culture of trust
  3. Coaching in Education
  4. The art of questioning
  5. Developing a toolbox
  6. Putting it all together to get started

“This course was excellent, I gained so much from participating. The course content provided ideas for the relevant skills and strategies described in the course outline and surpassed my expectation.”

First Aid for Teacher Wellbeing

3. First Aid for Teacher Wellbeing “Deep Dive”

The course has 5 modules;

Each module unpacks specific strategies teachers can use to act as first-responder to their wellbeing. All strategies are evidence-based with a foundation in Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy and Emotional Intelligence research.

The modules include; 

D – Divergent Thinking
R – Rest your mind
A – Awareness of self
B – Believe you are enough
C – Celebrate daily

By the end of this course, you will have:

  • An understanding of VUCA in education (Volatile, Uncertain, Complicated and Ambiguous)
  • A framework to act as a first responder to your wellbeing using DRABC
    Strategies to practice divergent thinking
  • Strategies which teach you to rest your mind e.g. mindfulness
  • Strategies to raise self-awareness with emotional intelligence & ACT
  • Strategies to build belief and self-efficacy
  • Strategies to share and celebrate your successes

Do you have an EC by Go1 Premium account?

If so, checkout my course the “Five Foundations to Boost Educator Wellbeing”.

Here is an overview